Art has been a huge part of my life ever since I learned how to talk. It's one of those things that you just know you were born to do. More specifically, I haven't been able to put down the camera since I was 6 years old. Starting from taking amateur photos of the plants in my childhood backyard, to now being a freelance professional photographer based in Chicago is a pretty rewarding feeling! Outside of this crazy job, I love spending time by the city's lakefront, traveling to new destinations, or ordering way too much sushi for one human to handle.

My favorite thing about my job is the wide variety of things that I get to photograph - weddings, concerts, portraits, you name it! I've found not restricting myself has only strengthened my abilities across the board (and just keeps things exciting). I love going about my sessions in a casual, yet still a fun and creative way. Whether that's in the way I compose my shots, pose people, or even communicate with my clients. I know photos can be intimidating and sometimes feel unnatural, but I pride myself in creating an environment that feels like we're just hanging out together. No relationship is purely transactional and I am eternally grateful to form genuine, human connections with all of my clients!
Questions? Concerns? Curiosities? Happy to chat!

- Featured by Big and Small -
Logo by: Olivia Menzia
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